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Setting Intentions in Your Business During the Last Month of the Year

If you want to start each year off with tons of biz motivation, you need to know the ins-and-outs of setting intentions in your business during the last month of the year. That’s why today’s post is all about setting intentions in your business without driving yourself crazy to meet your goals.


In case this is your first time stopping by, hello beautiful people! My name is Amanda King and I’m an empowerment coach. I believe in going against pretty much what every other coach out there says, and I’m passionate as f*ck about helping empower women to step out of fear and into 6-figure sales.


So if you’re ready to learn how to f*ck fear and build the business of your dreams, this blog – and ALL of The Fierce as F*ck Brand – is for you!


In today’s post, we’re specifically diving into what you should and shouldn’t do when setting intentions in your business during the last month of the year. So let’s get started!

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Setting Intentions in Your Business, Point #1: Planning isn’t bad...but becoming obsessed with meeting your plans and goals is.

When the first day of December rolls around, I swear every single coach is posting the same thing: “It’s the last month of the year. We need to go HAM.”


And if you don’t know what HAM is, it’s an acronym for “hard as a motherf*cker.” 


And I’ve been there. In the past, I’ve planned to go super hard during December and pushing myself to the next f*cking level that month. I wanted to drive sales so high that month, I would be doing everything I physically could to hit my goal. 


But then I woke up one December morning and thought, “I’m not fucking doing it. I’m not doing it.” And if you’re feeling pressured as it gets closer to the end of the year, stop putting that much pressure on yourself.


Now, I do want to say this: I am a planner and I love planning. I love sitting down with my sharpies, my colored markers, and I love being able to say, “This is what I want right now and this is what I want for December.” 


And in 2019, I set a sales goal of five hundred thousand dollars. And I wanted to hit that goal so hard. I wanted to fucking annihilate it. But I wanted this goal to happen so badly that I became obsessed with sales. I became obsessed with every dollar I made because every one led me one step closer to my goal. 


And with that goal in mind, I thought that December was going to be my biggest hustle month yet. I planned on showing up every single day and doing live videos and pushing sales and pushing my membership. I was 100 percent going to go so hard that month in sales that by the end of December, I was gonna be exhausted, but I was going to hit my sales goal.


But then I found myself wondering, “What’s the point? Do you really want to spend all of December hunched over a computer and just selling to sell? Do you really want to spend one of the most magical months focusing on money and sales and the almighty dollar? Why would you?”


And so I was having this “Come to Jesus” discussion with myself, and I knew what answer I’d give: “To hit a goal. But did hitting that goal mean I was a better coach? The best coach? That my clients loved me?”

Setting Intentions in Your Business, Point #2: Going HAM at the end of the year isn’t setting yourself up for a better one.

December is one of the most magical months of the year, and we constantly ruin it because we spend our entire month focusing on sales rather than focusing on every other beautiful thing that happens in December. We focus on the almighty dollar. We focus on pushing our products rather than just enjoying the last month of the year and the holiday spirit. 


Plus, when we focus so much on sales, we constantly beat the sh*t out of ourselves. Every week that goes by in December, we sit there and think, “Oh my God, I’m not going to reach my goal. I’m a failure. I’m not a good coach. I suck.”


And if you are one of these people who know what this feels like, please share it with me, because that is exactly what I did to myself. It was exactly what I did to myself every single month I had set a financial goal. Every time I fell a little short, I would tell myself how terrible it was. I was such a shit coach. I couldn’t be this person. I couldn’t sell this course. 


And every single month, instead of feeling excited about business, I ended up feeling very suffocated. It literally felt like my soul had a pillow over its face and I was just pushing it down harder and harder, because every single month I was focused on reaching my goal instead of:

  • All of the beauty that occurred that month
  • All of the client transformations that happened
  • How I was growing as an individual each month
  • How my business was blooming and becoming something so beautiful


And so when we get to December, I ask you not to make the same mistake. And some coaches may disagree with me and say, “You’ve got to make December big. You’ve got to make December the biggest month you have in sales. You’ve got to set yourself up for the new year.”


And by all means, set yourself up for the new year. But do that by f*cking enjoying December and the end of the year, guys! Do not let that time be another one where you’re hunched over your computer. Do not let December be the month where your kids are decorating your tree and you are sitting there on your phone scrolling to see if you have messages.


After all, New Year will be just around the corner, and that means December is a time to be excited about the possibilities and the limitlessness of next year. But if you’re burning yourself out at the end of the year instead, you’re gonna think, “Next year is gonna f*cking suck because this one sucked. I didn’t reach my goal, so this year fucking sucked.”


You don’t want you to do that because then you’re just setting yourself up for failure in the next year!

Hey there! I'm Amanda King!

I am a Women’s Empowerment and Business Coach who teaches women to step out of their fear and into 6 figure Sales . I teach women how to grow their business organically without the use of sales funnels, websites, and email marketing.

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Setting Intentions in Your Business, Point #3: What I hope you do instead in your business at the end of this year...

When December comes around in the future, ladies, I want you to not focus on selling the course and the one-on-one package and the mastermind, whatever. I want you to take the end of that year to just enjoy yourself.




Enjoy that magical month. I feel like every single December, there’s magic in there. And wouldn’t it be so nice at the end of December, to sit there and be like, “This was an amazing month, not because I hit my sell goals, but because I was present in every single f*cking step of this month.”

And if you come to the realization that you didn’t land where you needed to land, it’s OK. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself. Stop sitting there and allowing yourself to feel like sh*t even though you did the best you could. And if you did have months where you didn’t show up or give your best, it’s OK. This is all the learning process. And next month and next year will be better, but not if you spend the last part of the year kicking yourself in the a*s. 


And if you’re wondering, “How the heck can I do that, Amanda?!?”, think back to when you were a kid. December was full of magic right? But as we grow older, we lose that magical feeling. So focus on bringing that inner child forward, focus on bringing that joy, spirit and magic. Do the things that just bring you joy this month, rather than the things that you feel you need to because you need to have a sales goal. 


Magic exists. Magic becomes relevant. Magic happens. But only if you believe in it with all of your heart and soul. And I promise if you do this, your month will end on such a high note that your next year will be even more beautiful. You will crush everything because you believed the month before.

Setting Intentions in Your Business: The Bottomline

If you take away one thing from this blog post, I hope it’s to ignore what everyone says in December and let yourself believe in magic over hustle, if only for that one month. 


Because I promise that the end of the year and December in particular can be an amazing time. I promise you. But it won’t be if you’re killing yourself on your computer every day and missing all of the little beautiful things that are happening. It will just be another time where you beat the sh*t out of yourself and you end up miserable. 


I love you guys so much, and thank you so much for being here with me and reading. And I hope each and every single f*cking one of you has an absolutely magical end of the year!


If you love this post as much as I do, don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it on your Insta stories and tag me @fierceasfucktribe so that even more people can f*ck December pressure and more fully enjoy the end of the year.

Meet Amanda King!

She is a Women’s Empowerment and Business Coach who teaches women to step out of their fear and into 6 figure Sales . She teaches women how to grow their business organically without the use of sales funnels, websites, and email marketing. She began her Coaching Business is Jan 2019 and created a six figure business in three months. She now helps teach women to do the same!

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